Claudie ciesla hot bigboss girl

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 Claudia Ciesla started modeling at the age of 15 working for shows involved in fashion and dancing. Ciesla was invited by Sandeep Marwah the Chairman of Marwah Films & Video Studios and visited Noida Film City in India, where she was presented with a life membership of International Film and Television Club of Asian Academy Of Film & Television.Ciesla was roped in as one of the inmates at the Bigg Boss house in the third season of the reality show Bigg Boss Season 3. It began airing on 4 October 2009 on Colors and by this claudia become famous and a well known personality .Since December 2010, Claudia was attending the TV show Zor Ka Jhatka: Total Wipeout shot in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is the Indian celebrity version of Wipeout with Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan as the host.see these hot pics of claudia ciesla.It will change your mind if you used to watch big boss season 3 and had a crush on her.

Check hot songs from murder 2 and jacquiline looks stunning in the songs but the songs from last murder was better than these but the hot looks of jacquiline makes it an equiliser with previos murder and offcourse this is just songs of movie the movie is yet to come ...


Double dhamaal is ready to hit the floor.

Get ready to laugh double because dhamaal is doubled and double dhamaal is ready for viewers and in this movie there is two new casts malika and kangana and all same cast from prequil dhamaal
now as per storyline four jokers, Ritesh Deshmukh, Arshad Warsi, Aashish Chaudhary and Jaaved Jaaferi will be reprising their roles as friends again, while Sanjay Dutt plays a millionaire this time. The film will focus on the four friends blackmailing Dutt to share all his fortune in the most hilarious ways they can think of. The film finished shooting early May 2011
As we found Jaaved had quite the nasty finale. The story goes as that the team needed to shoot just one final scene at Mehboob Studios. However just before the final scene Javed Jaffery broke his leg and had to be admitted in hospital. The actor was in such pain that director Indra Kumar in full support altered the scene and showed all the actors lying on the bed. Jaaved had also previously hurt his other leg during the first Dhamaal. Since the first was a superhit, we have to wait and watch if the accidental lucky charm of Javed Jaffrey rubs on to the sequel as well.