Priyanka Chopra, who hardly ever ducked questions with the usual ‘no comments’ statement, seems to have decided to not comment on any question related to Shahrukh Khan. In fact, the actor has started to get irked when a question on the King Khan is squeezed in by the media.
Recently, when a journo asked her about her link up with the Baadshah Khan, Priyanka chose to keep mum. “By being extremely loud, doesn’t mean I’ll answer your questions. Thank You,” replied the 29-year-old actor. It is said that PC’ extreme closeness with Shahrukh irked Shahrukh’s wife Gauri and since then a very powerful circle of star wives have been plotting and bitching about the actor. When she was asked about this by a reporter, Priyanka chose to look the other way.
Clearly, Priyanka simply wants to refrain from talking about of her once-flourishing-friendship with the man she admired the most. At another do that took place about a week ago, a reporter asked Priyanka if Shahrukh still makes her blush, a fact that was captured by cameras on Karan Johar’s talk show Koffee with Karan a couple of years ago, but PC now says she hasn’t said anything of that sort. Now, come on Priyanka! Should we show you the recorded copy of the TV show?
And just like Priyanka, Shahrukh too is has decided to go completely mum on the matter. We wish the two could just come clean on the issue and put an end to the controversy (even though we would lose out on a lot of drama that has kept us going for the last few months). But surely there is more to it than what meets the eye.
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